The essence of the “Artesian spring” project lies in the fact that pure potable water will be on sale in special pavilions and bottled into the containers of customers. This water does not yield the expensive bottled water by quality. And yet any person will be able to buy water at a reasonable price. The considerable economy of transportation and packaging allows to reduce costs and lower the price of water to 2-2,5 rubles per litre.
Such a system has been named DAWS, i.e. direct artesian water supply. The experiment of similar supplying of population with pure potable water is well worked through. The network of pavilions selling unbottled artesian water has been working successfully in some cities for several years.
The appearance of retail network selling pure potable water has greatly improved the water supply system in these cities. Emergencies and water distributing pipeline breaks do not turn into social cataclysms any more. People always can get pure water at a reasonable price not far from home.
DAWS-direct artesian water supply
Experiment of DAWS system operation
Innovative technologies of water springs development and exploitation, as well as special direct artesian water supply system – DAWS – allow to minimize expenses substantially and offer unbottled artesian water as an alternative to both: tap water of poor quality and expensive potable bottled water.
DAWS system (direct artesian water supply system)
How does the direct artesian water supply system work?
Water is extracted (1) from an artesian well in the ecologically clean area.
If necessary it is purified to the standard of bottled water of the first category of quality (according to sanitary code and regulations 2.1.4 1116-02). So in Syktyvkar water is afterpurified through the membrane system of filters engineered specifically for working with water which comes from a particular subterranean well.
Then water is transported to pavilions by vehicles equipped with special reservoirs for alimentary liquid haul. Pavilions selling unbottled water are located in all residential city areas so that it would be convenient for each person to reach them. This circumstance is of particular importance to elderly people.
In the pavilion there are two reservoirs for water storage, the capacity of each reservoir is 1600 litres. To exclude all the inconveniences for customers, pavilions are filled up with water in the evening after their closing time. Any person can come with a container and buy as much water as he needs. But if he does not have his own container, he can purchase it in the pavilion.
Everything suggests that at any moment customers could easily buy fresh pure water at a reasonable price.